Sunday, July 21, 2013

Editorial to publish

Project 2 Research

Project 2 Research
Research on Info-graphics

Starting this project I wasn't really understanding the assignment as well as I should. I started looking through the suggested links such as and the other website:

I realized that I was very excited about this project because I love info-graphics. I find them fun and interesting. So now what what do I find interesting enough to illustrate? What could I share with the class that would be both interesting visually and mentally?

I love infographics that lead a person with "yes/no" answers to a final box. Things that are interesting to me and that I would like to try to do a yes no chart on:

Which dog should I go with? I would ask a series of questions asking people what their life style is like, what they want to do with a furry friend, and where they live. These questions would lead the person to make a decision to is a bulldog a good idea or a husky. I was a dog trainer for a few years and I offered people this service so I have a lot of built in knowledge of this. 

Wine pairings that go along with food. I love wine, but after a few bottles wine does not like me. However, I have friends that always ask me to pick out a wine for them for dinner, but I am always telling them to just experiment and get what they want or what they like. Inevitably it falls on me to pick up a wine that will go with the meal. I think a simple graphic of having a meat course or the main course with a selection of white or red and then a further break down of the different categories of each white vs. red for different foods. 
Found the above link to be an amazing website that would offer a lot of information.

Another idea that would be a lot of fun is I am always running out of books to read. Having an infographic that allowed me to choose a book that I might like based on certain key parts that I might enjoy would be awesome. I could start by creating a starting point and asking if the reader would want fiction or non fiction or self help. From each one I can branch off from each section based on main plot ideas. 
NPR created a fun interactive guide to a lot of books

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

This the editorial process pic that I have started for Computer Drawing class.

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Oatmeal is one of my favorite illustrators who uses his website to blog, and create various comics, satire pieces, and horrible holiday cards. A local Seattle resident, he goes by Matt and has been creating webcomics since 2009.

The artist Mike Mitchell is a great example of fun, twisted, and slightly off beat illustrations. I like looking at his designs due to their boldness, the uniqueness of the designs, and use of clever illustrations.

The third illustrator I like to turn to is Olly Moss. His designs are very distressed looking, independent of what most people consider the norm. He lives in the U.K.