Monday, March 24, 2014

“Unit 8 Reading Response”

why wait to the last second, the last second is already here?

so what have I learned here what did I discover doing an app?

"Polishing an app takes a ridiculous amount of time"
Oh dear god yes, yes it does. An app can have so many polishings, it is seen as apps upgrade in the market. 

Having too many ideas is just as bad as having too few ideas. Having an app that can do it all is a good idea in theory and idea wise, but in practice it falls apart 9 times out of 10.

But we have a good idea, we have a great app, but just like being the guy with the ... biggest err... shoes in the room, it doesn't matter unless people ummm... see these shoes. No one will want it unless they know about your big shoes. (There's a metaphor in there somewhere)

So how do we get that message in and out and in again to make people know about your big shoes?

It's about getting people excited, to create momentum to create excitement for this product, you can have a cool video about it, you can have a cool app, but without people being excited about the product and using it in a fun way no one cares. 
Creating momentum is about starting with day one, telling people about what you have going on and showing how this effects their lives. 
I always go with the adage, it's not who you know, it's about who your friends know. Through them, you find connections. 

And as much as I would love to talk about the 45 app builder tutorials, that link sadly has gone the way of the buffalo.

Now for some cool links!

I think it is just as good to look at good design as it is for us to know and spot bad design. I give you CRAPPY DESIGN

This ties in nicely to getting the word out!

and for number third.. because I have learned to love android.

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